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Oct 2014
I have sat still at night
and watched the stars
hazy and only half there
because of the city lights
that seem to shine a little brighter

and often i have paced
back and forth at 2am
listening to the quiet drone of rain
that is drowned out by the cars
driving people to places they don’t want to be

and once in awhile
i wake up to soft light bleeding into my room
casting shadows on my walls
but the curtain that is drawn
blocks the morning rays
and it is not enough to wake me up

and it is not enough
to glimpse the stars
and have reason to believe
it is not a star at all
but only a mere reflection

and it is not enough
to see the rain fall
but without sound
like a silent serenade
overrun by loud machinery
that doesn’t hold the same grace

and these ******* curtains
that we hang from our windows
they’re killing us
we are not awake
and we are becoming blind
and adjusting to the darkness

it is not enough
not for me
this world is not enough

and the saddest moment
i have ever experienced
is the realization
that the world is not the problem

but we are

and we will be the ruin of ourselves
and everything around us.
too tired to continue too awake to stop
oliviah rachael
Written by
oliviah rachael
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