The Letter To Santa Dear Santa, I'm very sorry I said i 'm mad at you. But mommy told me why you did not show up this year. She said my daddy died in something they call a war. He was fighting to keep me safe and free. Mommy said she did not have any money left after working two jobs to feed the three of us. I thought you forgot me because we live in an old car. I hear my mom cry at night and now I know the reason why. I saved you some cookies I got at school.Nevertheless, I gave them to little johnny as a gift from you. I hope next year will be better, but if not I still love you and thanks for not forgetting me. Love you Santa , Alisa P. S. I hope everyone had a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
this poem has taken First place in three contest and was entered in a contest for best of 2014 And placed first. Enjoy