The habitual morning nicotine ritual - exercising rites of many bored day runs for marijuana seekers in the combustible wheel-turning mechanisms of search and by no means of excellence - speaking simplistic languages - concerned with being full
full of joy, full of joy, full of joy
Determined to the final goodbye, the doldrums of steam-heat villages
Walking casually - robbed of daydreaming spectacle twenty years to outer space, inner space - diving up like water bobbing air pockets
Tasting the Big Sky - delighting in just one event - and everyone's correct opinion concerning all as it is and as it used to stand - it changed- watch it change- the ebbing and flowing pinpricks pulse with time & desensitizing imagery
Going home - to the mists of the attic
Father/mother/son - a question of relation
Naming the precise, exact moment when the abstract word becomes idea - thought - turning - mind rebounding off the word - the principles - ideas - underlying reason - implications - emotional offense and nonsense