I knew I knew I KNEW I knew and I made myself believe I was seeing green lights when it was just a mirage of a red light and we hit all the red lights we hit every single one of them even when it was right in front of my face I didn't allow myself to read in between the lines and I made myself believe I was worth something more than just copper to you I made myself believe I was rubies and maybe I am but most people don't see that and you definitely didn't see that but I thought maybe you did and I threw myself out in front of your bus and I want to believe you caught a glimpse of me in your headlights but you refused to believe it was really me I don't think you wanted it to be me but the headlights always choose to point in a different direction and when the light turns green you head straight to her when I was in the turning lane you are the swimmer in a stormy ocean and I am the raft refusing to let you go far without me beside you because I don't want you to drown, yet I'm the one getting capsized over and over and over again, but you keep swimming, and I want you to keep swimming I want you to reach the infinite places you want to go, but I will miss you and I will never stop telling you that I miss you so I will be waiting for you at the traffic lights and one day you are bound to turn and you will see me you will realize that I have always been there waiting for the green arrow