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Jan 2011
Four pale walls cage her
Colorless and uninspiring
Leaving a taste so bitter
If she leaves now she'll feel ashamed
But if she resides any longer she may not make it
Her mind races
Her skin crawls up and down her arms
Perfection has become perfect hell

Darkened by the mask she leads to believe is herself
Images of shadows in the distance dance by
Invading a vessel that is nothing more than helpless
Her body feels as if it is shaking from the inside
She is to weak to stand, to weak to fight
She feels faint, thin as a skeleton she collapses onto a bed so familiar
But so far from home

His face imprinted in the back of her mind
Her heart quickens
The pills slowly slip down her parched throat
She dreams to escape
She dreams to be close to him
She can still feel his touch though he is long gone

The color in her face has diminished
Her soul needs to be filled once again

His smile awakens the song in her heart
The twinkle in her eye
His kiss restores her
His eyes keep her warm on the nights she feels she will freeze

With him...
She can
Written by
Amanda Jean
   Amanda Jean
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