I'll never forget the look on that dude's face Walking through the door into the store To pay for a tankful of gasoline He reached into his pocket For cash but he didn't mean to pull out And drop that big sack of marijuana That hit the slate floor with a "tap" He pretended he wasn't embarrassed But the expression on his befuddled mug Told quite a different story I knew right away He wasn't the generous, sharing kind So I just pointed and said "you dropped something" Bending over I could almost read his mind He was afraid I was going to call the cops He needn't have worried but it ****** me off that he did Even more so that he didn't offer me a bud as appreciation for my silence But I suppose you get these kinds of people in all walks of life Besides he'd never seemed to get over the shock And covetous look in my eye when I first saw him lose control of the plastic bag He paid for the gas without much of a word Walked back out into the heat and his Luxury automobile that was clearly outside of his price range "Goodbye,"I said, "O selfish dope head You would probably have been a drag to get high with anyway...make sure you didn't drop anything else on the floor, you stupid *****. I'd hate to be stepping over little chunks of hash you forgot were in your in the same pocket as the dope. " My opinion of you has not changed And it's been YEARS