You need a porcelain mixing bowl and a wooden stirring spoon a cup and a measuring jug. Add one teaspoon of ripe inconsequentiality. then add two teaspoons of innate stupidity. Pour in one cupfull of political lack of integrity preferably nurtured in hot smelly air. Add 4 cupsfull of facile celebrityΒ Β chatter, preferably with the volume turned down.. Add 2 cupsfull of shallow religious nonsense full of obsequious morality. Add 2 cupsfull of vain "god" chatter and sacrificial demands. Pour in 1/4 cup of nonsensical "goddess" humbug and fatuous posturing. Sift untold millions of youthfull soldiers dried and powdered bones until finely ground in the crucible of never ending wars. Take up the wooden spoon of societal hypocracy and stir slowly with gossipy backstabbing. When all these ingredients are blended as smoothly as a shaven young girls **** put to one side covered with a bloodstained cloth for a millennia to rise to the occasion.