if i had a gun i would have popped more heads than hilter could, you may say im rude but at least i still believe in something good. every morning i wake up some prefect making noise banging my door its like he doesnt have a place in this world, but if he knew he should have committed suicide the moment he woke up and looked into the mirror and it back at him.
so today i took my pen and in this poem i write more than pain and i wil drop my pride and shout i aint the great, bang in your face we shall all be dead one day. i guess its true i aint scared any more thats why im writing again to prove whats wrong right , and if you think i am crazy then yes i am and guess what you aint so in a crazy world you are a fool.
if im gonna die from telling the truth you gonna die from listening to it, i bet you dont even know why you are here sir. im here to become a mouth piece for those people like your father oppress, im gonna be a lawyer and im gonna stop it all corruption starts here at high school when people like you are tolerated not in this generation and not on my watch, you going down.