Oh, I took a walk through the dark streets of London town all alone without a care Oh, it was a dark and misty night when I spied a form lovely in shape a form as lovely as could be like some angelic form come down to earth how I was at a loss to approach You I could not resist I placed a hand on Your soft and lovely shoulder " Miss You should never be alone" You turned I was taken by surprise a haunting form and a haunting face as soft and lovely as the dark and sacred moonlit night a fire burned in Your eyes as bright as a thousand suns yet as soft as the butterflies wing a wicked passion a wicked hunger love that says, " I want more and more without measure". It seemed to fill the whole universe Oh, mortal woman or spirit come from the earth below or the heavens above somehow I knew You were not heaven born Oh, then I knew heaven I shall never see they all say "heaven is the place of pleasure" "heaven is the place of delight" Oh, they lie. they lie. I saw hell in Your eyes Oh, woman or demon master of My soul Your soft cool touch makes Me feel eternally alive Oh, to what ever heaven or hell or underworld or seat of the gods there be to hold You in My arms is My only desire My only reason for being no creature like You before ever lived Oh, goddess of My soul be You woman or devil or ghost or some fiend in the night You are My only, My all Oh, I will hold Your soft dark lovely form in My heart forever