I blame you for everything that is wrong on this planet I Blame you for the feeling you inject in me everyday A dose of fear and loathing to despise myself even more It doesn't matter How beautiful I am, how nice I am, how respectful I am YOU Resent me and make me abhor myself to feel better You are popular and yet the message you send across those who love you is to CHANGE everything you are to be someone else because I am not perfect the way I am I Think by myself Reject your opinion Vote against you Resist the pressure to be perfect I Am courageous enough to protest and Yell out loud everything that is wrong with the system I Am no longer vulnerable I no longer Doubt myself Fear you I make my own choices and I resist YOU ATTACK US WE WILL FIGHT BACK The words carved in stone Magazines Ads Commercials Tv everywhere Are washed away by thousands of steps taken to drown you With our voices we drown you With our voices we yell out that it takes Courage Love Empathy Strength Audacity Determination Tenacity To endure the constant pressure to be better than who we already are and We will not stand for it anymore We refuse you We take over We Are a two letter word that describes your end as we stand together against You May be one letter stronger than Us But we won't give up on our freedom We have fought forever and forever we will continue To make you realize We Are stronger than You Can't win.