Every day I wake up in bed I can still feel your hot breath running down my neck I slowly slide my hand under my pillow Trying to make it seem like natural movement
My heart begins to race when it's not there My knife I keep hidden for when you are to return
Suddenly I feel the familiar cold blade Layed gently on my shoulder With a kiss I knew could only come from your lips
As it slides down my arm I hear you say "You don't need this, your safe now. No one will hurt you, I'm here." I wanted to say "Your the one I'm afraid of..." But I couldn't get the words out.
Closing my eyes I search again... This time I find the knife.
I hear someone saying my name Shaking me, telling me to get up... The hands came again This time I woke up only to see that it was not you That I was safe, and that I didn't need the knife
Yet still I slid it back beneath my pillow Letting it sit there till the next morning Knowing, I'd feel you there again.