At two this midnight the little dark one Became a poem, her all-knowing smile The first stanza and her baby bird- glance Became the next one as she pranced there On the floor up and down like pendulum Swinging in the free air, a full fall of force, A pout of sarcasm from tiny baby lips.
I at midnight wanted to round it off With a cool third stanza, of epigram A last line well said, to the deep night. But she wouldn’t let me, the little one That squirmed in my hands like a worm Full of bones that pushed against mine In my withered palms and finger bones. It is life which pushed against my death. As the night creeps I once again go into My epigrammatic mode of the old poet With the bally irony thing barely broached.
The curl on my lips that briefly occurred Vanished without trace in my confusion As my eye followed her moving in circles. I thought I had seen the curl on her lips.