She told my legs to take a bound across the tennis courts. I thought, No problem mom, and off I went to show them how it’s done. First right then left but – ****! A shooting pain in my left ankle. ****! I thought, not now not here. Another injury this year. Before it was my knees, and now the day before a meet my ankle decides to give out on me. Ma’ Musbach said to not worry, but knowing me – I did. The meet, it came and they were all at ease. While I warmed up the pressure showed but I needed to push myself so I did not back down. This challenge with my body scared the living hell out of me but I’ve done it all before. They called my name. The air was still. Breathe; one and two and three – I land. Applause. I breathe in deep, astounded by my luck. I had performed and not just that, but well! My leg was fine, there was no pain found anywhere throughout my ankle. And I was for sure not going to let go of that ‘First Place’ I had dreamed of for so long.
Assignment 1 for my Writing Poetry class. 20 line (at least) iambic pentameter that tells a story.