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Oct 2014
If you ask me, the world has gone mad.
Not the type which can be cured by a couple doses of strong medication, or can be institutionalized back to what is referred to as "the normal."

But simply, mad

It's a sort of unbearable feeling you know?
Knowing that you can never
and never will
be enough for this world.

We are born into this.
The world takes us into it's grasp and nurtures us from the very day we are born. The words "skinny" "pretty" "skinny" "pretty" repeat over and over again like a broken record.

We live in a world where perfection requires a price, and beauty is only recognized in what is seen.

Creativity has become something that is confined to "indie cafes" and "poetry blogs."

The place in the very centre of the Earth which was once filled with inspiration and imagination, is now an empty void with nothing to show but the loneliness that lingers in the cold, brisk air.

Is it really that hard to simply be kind? To smile at the stranger who opened the door for you so you wouldn't spill your coffee? To be a helping hand for those who need it most?

What happened to all the wild dreamers? Optimists? Adventurers? Those who are willing to step out of their comfort zones to live a little?

We have become so comfortably numb,
and our world has become nothing but the illusion of insanity.

We let it be this way.

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