They see it Suddenly the mold I am trying to keep begins to crack And the clay is ruined from the creases that form As the pieces begin to fall away Because life is chipping at each and every one for every second that I breathe Every single day
Now, the exact people who I was trying to keep out The ones who I wanted to respect me Because I respect them so much The ones who I kept putting on this face for This false confidence that was the type of bravado a high school football player exerts when he says "I got this" on the day of his first game And he puffs out his barrel chest but really he is shaking in his cleats They are the ones who know how not okay I am.
My extremely attractive (and married...but attractive nonetheless) teacher has seen me sob over my grades Another, who reminds me of my grandpa, has seen me break down during a movie That stirred up feelings of anxiety due to my current situation And still a guidance counselor who, over the years, has been more of a father figure to me than my own father has been Has seen me completely depleted because I cannot pull myself out of this situation that is draining the color from my skin And the life from my soul
They do not get it How am I supposed to just sit here and watch my best friend in this ungodly amount of pain Because her father just died And realize that I can do nothing about it Without wanting to fall apart and come undone at the seams of my very being?
So now, All I do is cry and sleep And sleep and cry. I can feel the remains of depression Trickling down the back of my neck like sticky sweat That triggers a nerve and makes every hair stand straight up.
Who am I? I am just some nervous wreck basket case Walking talking hot mess To some, I am just some overly emotional ***** Who cannot keep her mood in check And who invites pain and drama into her life. Is that all that my life has become? There must be more There must be more
If there is not Would it hurt me to fall into some indefinite coma that is synonymous to a black hole that will swallow my life Into an undefined space, somewhere As if I am just sleeping in limbo.