My soul is stained scarlet red scarlet red with the passion of the blood that flows through heart and brain and bone You My love inflame every inch of My being Oh, how I am lost without You I am filled with a delirious longing Oh, the words I cannot find I search and search and tear the flesh of My brain asunder I search the deep parts of My soul My very being to find words that will not come though I had the tongues of ten thousand angels I could not find the words I search for so desperately Oh, I am desperate for that haunting word on the tip of My tongue that sacred word that would tell of the depth of My love that the depths of hell and the heights of heaven is neither more deep nor as great as My love for You if You love me not My angel take a blade sweet love and still my beating heart a release from My agony however You hurt Me My sweet love I only love You more then let Me lie in the cold and dark of the earth for evermore a poor unloved forgotten and failed soul who exist nevermore