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Jan 2011
sometimes i cry for no reason at all
its like jumping off a bridge with the sole intention to fall
plumeting down as the darkness envelops my being
i close my eyes for a better view, unaware of what i'm seeing
drowning in my emotions, i forget how to breathe
for transcribing my feelings to words is like a verbal dry heave
yet still clinging to reason i desperately flail
afraid to involve my heart due to the risk i might fail
stuck in a shade of gray between black and white
trying to decipher wrong from what is known to be right
it is burnt in my brain that nothing is set in stone
i attach myself to no one, keeping company alone
aware the sanction in my head is the only place to find reality
i must detach from this cycle in order to become free
Meka Boyle
Written by
Meka Boyle
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