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Sep 2014
He thought his heart to be made of stone.
As cold as ice, it was his own.
None could bear it's weight,
Forever alone, an etched fate.

That was before he met the girl.
Who was to disprove his rocky world.
Her eyes of fire bore into him,
The icicles began to drip within.

Slowly at first, but soon faster.
He struggled to stay his master,
But her laugh and smile invigorated,
Cracks in his solid heart created.

He tried to slow down his melt,
Unaccustomed and scared by what he felt.
But her depth and thought, unparallel,
Brought down the remains of his icy shell.

All that was left was a rocky core.
Satisfied, he thought she could do no more.
But the warmth of her lips could not be denied,
The stone crumbled, he melted inside.
Nathaniel Brenner
Written by
Nathaniel Brenner  Missouri
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