For the first time in years, I lay my head upon my own shoulder and I weeped, with no trigger, with no particular reason it was not a heavy pour, a light one, almost dead I closed my eyes and I was completely submersed in a web of silver wrapping itself around me and thought that was my own loneliness I have never felt this alone I have never felt this one
the thought of this alone gives me fear to lay there completely at mercy to my own self to have finally accepted my own truth one that I have long manipulated a lie I myself have been a lie
I have chosen to live my life in this manner constantly restricting myself from love executing it, and making it small draining it, causing a famine in energies suffocating it, and bleeding it merciless walking away from it with my heart bleeding barely beating because I have taken it back from you and you and you I stay up late at night and think how will I regain that thing that was once mine, and in a instant I slip through a crack in my mind, and it is there again my flesh in my hands
I can see myself already in it and Im crying and screaming at the top of my lungs and you hold onto me and beg me not to go and I with blood running down my cheeks struggle to get away struggle to escape just as much as I want to stay and I brake things and hurl my body to the ground I create a hunger that shrieks so loud and I drown myself in the sound the queen of desolate is what I should be crowned you stand there behind me, lingering in the background yet again you have watched how I make myself drown
I impose my own judgement and wonder if its an incorrect soul or if I make it a rule upon myself to believe that this is so my hands are open my chest is open my legs are open my heart my heart is open
I hold life like a curtain in front of me and I take a knife that I made with the barbaric woman within myself and I cut straight down the middle, with a wordless expression I want to know what is behind it I want to touch those things that will make my fingertips burn I want to come close to things that will make my hair rise I want to rid of this state of mind and learn how to become more wise