Images of moonlit churches Litter my mind Blinding my peripheral vision This is where i want you to be With me As i say goodbye to Satan And open up one sided doors With Jesus Asking him not to play anymore Games with me I am not abandoned Chess pieces Found by little 9 year old boys Can Jesus even bring me back From the dead Like Lazarus I scream empty Amens Of unheard wishes Because you could never be mine And maybe i've stopped my futile attempts In making you fall in love with me I am heaving in disasters And happy goodbyes From a father Who never wanted me My chest is jamming up With memories I tried to erase Like punches to my throat I cannot breathe "Your children and wife should live in fear of you if you wish to succeed" His words as he slapped his Big hands into my 10 year old face I remember my father as a monster A beast What about when You begin to find a home Within your sorry excuse For a life When you begin to find comfort In your tragedies My mother wants to die She fantasizes about overdosing on pills Those are not her nightmares But her good dreams Dreams about crashing cars Into large poles She'd rather Feel the pain of not being alive I cant control Anything that's happening in my life But my chest aches Every time i remember That you are not my lover And never will be My ******* crave a touch They will never receive Is this what heartache feels like My psychiatrist told me I could try to numb the pain With over the counter pills But they wouldn't save me From my psychologically damaged mind That maybe I should just **** it up Until i die But perhaps I want to find good Within this hell I consider a life