He looked out of his fine high-ceilinged office He looked down at the city far below With sleeves rolled up and his blood pressure mounting Profits missing meant workers had to go.
He didn't care where they would come from Little people never registered on his screen He was totally focussed on making dollars In that he was absolutely obscene.
A little way down from his high pedestal Was where those desperate celebrities abide Where they sit wafer-thin in dark glasses As they feed like piranhas on the crowds.
And though the Hollywood moguls will use them Because they are the puppets that they are All memories of where they all came from Are now just a small thing in the past.
Lower still you will find politicians All waiting for the moment that is theirs When they have the glory of the 'fifteen minute fame' Before they fall back to their own obscurity.
We on the other hand gather down in the street Like sheep we wait there in the hope that we'll meet A top businessman who might give us a position Or perhaps for a glance at a celebrity snob.
And just up above the media vultures hover As they hope for a juicy story to break They'll not care a fig for the lives they devour Just the ratings for them are at stake.
As they say 'T'was ever thus' and it shall ever be And it seems that frankly it can only get worse You see my fine friend it's not the humans involved It's simply the size of the ever-growing purse.