How can I ever hate you? Crashing waves, over and over, Like a group of cymbals clapping each other Never reaching me. You blend in with the wave, the sun Lighting on all that is clear and sweet.
Down there, a heart blooms. Stinging red and beating, Roadkill that never quite died. They’re stomping all over it, Can’t you see, the damage, The spill of black oozing from it.
Find a drum beat for me there, A chord of bass flowing through the music, The flawless voice singing “Are you in?” And us, sitting there, in our own spaces, (The sand with crab-holes, you fill them in one by one) Bodies in the same proximity, head somewhere else. Listening, listening.
This is the way it’s supposed to be. Meant to be. The pitfalls eating us alive. The morning glory saying hello again.