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Jan 2011
it was the first day of class.
i had four.
boys and girls introduced themselves to me.
they offer their hands, so i extend mine.
it's awkward, i don't see why people bother.

a flurry of snow fell around mid-day.
i came to work to find that Sara the Secretary had quit.
on Friday to be exact.
apparently it was a big ordeal that involved some bitter words
that came drenched in venom and a ******* or two.

i'm glad i wasn't there.
she talked more than i care to listen.
oh well.
Beth said the moon wasn't bright last night. said it was ****.
Beth goes to bed with the chickens.
but at least she does.
tell me what to do.

i note that i take notice of things that are the same.
people generally notice things that aren't.
isn't that funny?
Copyright 2010 M.E. Lundy
M Lundy
Written by
M Lundy
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