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Dec 2009
you're the reason I laugh
you're the reason I cry
you're the reason I breathe
and that I want to die.
you're the purpose I have
stimulant that I feel
of all the conceivable things
you are the most real.

you're the should and the shouldn't
the must and the can't
you're the star I would follow
anywhere that she went.
for you I set up a clock
(the one in my brain)
that counts down to the moment
I'm gonna see you again.

I sleep for you,
dream for you,
wake and get up.
I'm honest,
I lie,
I start and I stop.
I take the right path for hope that you are on,
I ask everyone to find out where you've gone,
I follow you,
search for you,
look at what you see.

and in the end, I do this all for me.
~to S
Written by
     D Conors, jordon ashlie and foerno
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