How can something that was once there, suddenly disappear in the land of forgotten things? Can you ever get back from this land, or is the journey a one way ticket into oblivion? When you are lost, do you disappear, or do you hang on? Do you exist, can you exist in a world that does not remember you? In a world where no one, nothing looks out for you? Are you still human if no one cares? Or do you become this memory wandering in the path of memories, sometimes thought about but never wished back?
Is it the reason why people **** themselves? Because they left the land of the living by accident, realized it all of a sudden, tried to get back there but realized no one wished them back? Maybe that's what fairies are. People who ended their lives because they were lost, and were offered the possibilities to grow wings and come back to grant wished to those who were getting so lost, the only resort was to wish upon a star to help them be found? Maybe, when you are truly lost, you cn never be found again. Maybe, if you get lost, no matter how many times you **** yourself to be found again, it just ends up killing you anyway. Mayeb there is no escape. Getting lost must be awful. But getting lost and never finding your way back… that… It knows no pain. You belong in a pit of depthless sorrow and missing objects no one ever bothered to claim. And even as you disappear, you realize it may be the last time you ever see the light. Being found, though? I wish I knew that feelings. But I can only imagine. The explosion of your heart as it breaks only to build itself up again. The tights chest suddenly relieved from all the pain. And the eyes of the person who found you. Thoses stay forever engraved in your mind, their name on your lips and their soul on your heart.