We are made of stardust All the way from the tip of our toes To the top of our heads All stardust But we don't shine like a star Or glow like a light Because we're only particules Of stardust And everybody knows A star can't shine until she's whole again Which we aren't. Because we yell, we fight, we die And we avoid the others Stardust has to be complete to shine And until we stop what we do best Our wars, our threats, our insults We won't be complete But The day we all figure it out The Earth won't be the blue planet anymore It'll be the brighest star in the Galaxy Because we would have figured out a way To be whole Helping each other Loving each other Being kind to each other All simple concepts That most can't comprehend And that is, I believe, the saddest thing of all. Not that we are destroying our planet Not that we are selfish people over all Not that we let others be sad in front of us Not that we let the misery of the world happen as though it was a 'thing' But that we cannot understand How much happier everyone would be if If … Hunger wasn't a thing. Wars weren't a thing. Poverty wasn't a thing. ****** wasn't a thing. Suicide wasn't a thing. Hopelessness wasn't a thing. Bullying wasn't a thing. If we could push away all those senseless 'things' Then there would be a chance. For us the start again. For us the live again. For us to be happy. For us to be complete.