Lost a giblet of my thumb to a meat slicer today, and almost broke down in an antique shop. These things creep on us, and who handles the pressure even remotely well?
I'm not old enough, and I'm not hopeful enough, I'm just tired tired tired, and most people I know also want to be dead. Express a strong desire to disappear.
Moonlight traces the door frame; a metaphor for an escape, except everything is so fundamentally ****** up the fear of the other side seems irrational compared to the valid and rational phobia of right now, this side.
You disappear and I go selfless and selfish into any abyss dark enough to hide me, or devoid enough to absorb me, or ignorant enough to forget I'm even there.
I wish terrible things upon everyone else because I'm bitter and resentful. I'm also still bleeding through the bandage and the duct tape, and through the metaphors and lack of meter.