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Sep 2014
I tear through your imagination, your fear to reveal you past with me, your flesh in spirit. You talk to me through prayers. I listen. All the pain is gone that was destroying you through life. I miss your smile. It’s like I closed my eyes and opened them and you were no longer there cuddling me. I am no longer running around in pampers, your little lightskinned girl who you loved. The girl you watched sesame street with I dropped to the floor as if there is an abyss. You were there through my needs and my wants. When you needed me the most I failed. I’ve always heard the term what is done in the dark will come to light. When you fleshed away in the dark it affected me in the light. Im sorry of my selfish ways. How could my love be so strong but yet so ignorant? I would give everything for you to be with me. Sometimes I just want to sit at night in the darkest hour and cry for you.
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