Do you remember the summer, when that Brown dusty path lead into that forgotten wood? Where the Green seemed so alive it threatened to swallow you whole? Where the Red of the flowers seemed so real the entire day
felt like a dream?
Do you remember the flower standing watch at the edge of the trees? It stood in Violet defiance of all around and you understood, and were humble.
Do you remember the sky, that for the first time in so long reminded you that it was Blue? When the sun shined down so White and pure you thought it might just wash you away.
Do you remember the leaf, hidden in the shadow of the canopy? That reminded you of how even here death's Black hand remains but even it can have a peace about it.
Do you remember the sunflower that just woke up to greet the world? As it stretched its Yellow as far as it dared just so it could speak to you.
Do you remember the dragonfly, that flew like everything was up to him? The way he zipped to and fro and then fro an to. So quick you saw only Orange as he blurred himself to your eyes.
Do you remember the cool as you laid down to nap in the grass? The Pink on your toes seemed to fit so well amoung the wildflowers. Where you slept for only moments but felt refreshed like never before.
Do you remember the summer, when that Brown dusty path lead into that forgotten wood? Where the Green seemed so alive it threatened to swallow you whole? Where the Red of the flowers seemed so real the entire day