The fascination is again immediate it stops me dead Automaton emotion sympathy washing over a feeling of something out of reach of privilege of loss It's something like a girl friend I once nearly had a song I had forgotten a line from a song that I always get wrong a night that I want again We are stupid And we'll die I never reached an uneasy understanding Something I cannot describe easily It feels like a real future somehow Dystopian broken and flawed of course but even then... Absolute beauty the unknown and dignity in death dignity and poetry in death light streaming through and rain of course there's rain there's always rain huge silences and behind it all that music that music that makes the future seem now whatever that means Doll Robot but still pain still the knowledge of what the end means from learned and invested memories so human more human than possible already dead but able to share the most delicate honest and fragile moments that create guilt in me somehow from somewhere the link is the sepia prints on the piano and the very essence the thing that drives the fascination is The dove and those lines spoken like a king like a saint with a wonderful warm heart full of all of my sadness somehow and The unicorn reminding me that it was all fabricated by the hand of man