fashioned with wings, strong and bold upon our backs. The wind guides us upward on invisible strings and off we go again to that upward highway and places unknown.
I see you there now next to me, then with no warning the path would take me elsewhere ... for a time. But I never really lose sight in my heart or even my head that you are never far away.
We have things to learn and places to go. And yes, there are still some rainy days when hiding under the eaves is easier than braving world’s buffetings and weary is all we feel.
There are days you fold out your strong wings to cover me And days when mine might comfort you and we have but just a moment to forget that life isn’t easy. But life is growing.
And though the path might seem to swing so wide at times we would lose our way, or lose each other … we won’t. The home we built awaits and you nor I will forget our way back to it.