Consider the cello, violin, bass, gamba, guitar, all fashioned with strings that vibrate into the air and carry a harmonious song to the ear but only if the player learns to tune in harmonics.
Consider the heart, soul, mind, emotions, no tangible string but vibrations nonetheless and oft times not harmonious at all but biting, clamoring for regard, never realizing for so long that tranquility more easily tunes.
So familiarity can breed learning to tune ourselves until our special one sweeps in the door, or perhaps just wondrously there and we offer up polyphony, faltering and tenuous time and time again.
Then unforeseen, a day your solitary tone verges mine and we begin the weaving of a new song emerging harmonious, complimentary and vibrations sync, just our symphony heard for the first time.
So we nurture, listen and respond with the purest inside we have to lend the chord. And that is how harmony is born over and over again. The air rings with it, with sweet pause of silence just so we know the song