This October metal seat feels a hotbed Made of coals
Eager and empty, questions arise Existence, absurdity, human demise Much more to this…here Meets the eye.
Where’bout, dear prof, would you age my words? But stuck in loftiness is useful like birds—
That face you gave before turning away? Let it be be finale seemed Be it a smile—not at me.
Minutae rules the day More use—and, yes, I’m inclined to agree For these are the points I give, but break free To a pity, pretty tongue fit vague for poetry --Though it pride, I know it, that speaks I don’t like to hear it from my own mouth— And never for a lifespan talk.
It’s that I see in missed detail Where, myself, this class and level do fail But never, never can I correct it When focusing on such impossible ****.
Lushness falls short of rigorous yarn Robes, academic, not rightly worn For, in the professor, his or her eyes Children like me are still ill-learned And grandiose—though this, I know I know it to be That inner me: The pride-shielding boast.