Let me place your skin back where it should be, Let my mouth grace the scarlet tatters of your left wrist, Let me speak until my words are strung dry as my Throat is, and I will do it all, I will do it all with honor,
And stop saying you’re a burden, because I swear to God You’re the best ******* friend I’ve ever had and I wouldn’t stick around otherwise; But I don’t see light flooding the horizon, not anymore, I see it leaving your eyes, and I feel your weight beside me Disappear suddenly and throw me from the room, and it seems So much like I’m breathing for more than one body, And I don’t know what to do, And I’m losing myself in the keys Of your piano and the way your voice Sounded that day we skipped class, High notes and low notes running together like warm milk but Sounding perfectly sweet and perfectly black, Like coffee, or like a hangover after a wild night.
Don’t you do this to me. Don’t you ******* do this.