When life gets you down, stand tall, don't frown. It doesn't really matter what other people say, as long as you, trust in the Lord and faithfully pray. When you see sorrow, sadness, and pain, keep marching ahead, "It is finished."Β Β Jesus said. He died and rose again from the cross for your salvation. Don't ever let the lies of the devil bring you down to die with his damnation. Life is a war for your mind, and Satan will try to battle, God loves you as his child, so don't let your mind rattle. Satan can transform himself like a rose, and back like a snake. Don't be fooled with thoughts of self-loathing, doubt and hate. This poem is not about me, but feel compelled to write this. To those that are struggling, lost, and sad do not take these words to dis. Your life is of value, more than money and gold. Stay true to yourself, don't bow to the devil and fold. The devil will lie and in lies about in who you are sell, Don't get caught in the trap of the serpent and wind up in hell. Win the battle!