Scream to the heavens the injustice done...... Flake open a heart in need of a hero........ Recreate, amend, mend, discard, restart, refit, keep in check..... Darkness filters starlight embers, cast across expanses distantly close to reality formed in wishes and if only's, never intended to be........ Denial, wish, hope, claim, possible, take and fear settles in corners and places where angels whisper......... Only whisper........! And you look upon the face of that you dared and challenged and found...... Scarred into eternity lost....... And you touch, commanding memory etched into your heart.....and soul......and mind......and spirit........ And you turn back one last time, burning into memory that which you screamed into the heavens......... And JUST ONE MORE TEAR etches fiery traces of that which you tasted could be.........and might never be.......