You, and only you, have seen the darkest side of me The things I hate about myself The things I struggle to keep in check You feel how you feel though. The fact that one of the things One of the things I struggle to keep in check the most Is the one thing that made you walk away The one thing that you could not tolerate I was careful with you, but I am who I am I am a manipulator, a liar and a two-faced ***** It is okay, you can say it. At the end of the day it is true whether you say it or not. I catch myself as often as I can and aside from using perfume here and there I was most careful to catch myself with you. Because you matter Because you are one of the few that I do not want to let down The fact that you see it all as a loss That you believe it was all manipulation That fact makes me hate myself all the more I wonder, what is the point? Why do I fight to keep it in check at all, if it just seems like I am up to old tricks? Because of people like you Because of people that are worth fighting for I cannot change the way you feel I cannot fix the way things are perceived My feelings were true They are still true I laid out my soul, raw and bare I trusted you with it You, out of everyone else I let you see the darkest side of me