We see the world through our eyes, but there is more than that When we look at someone we look into there eyes, but there is more of them Our eyes are important to our lives, but there are other important things as well It is with our eyes that we see someone, but there is more beneath the surface
Our eyes see what is on the surface, but there is so much more we cannot see We need to look with the eyes of our soul Our eyes on the surface allow us to see what is on the surface, But the eyes of our soul allow us to see beyond that
We can see into the world with our soul When we look with our souls into another's eyes we can see there passion, desire, rage, and love The eyes of our soul see the important things in life It is when we look with our soul into another soul that we see what lies beneath
It is when we look with the eyes of our soul that we see the true meaning of life