When the chickens come to town,
do not smile,
do not frown,
sacrafice Mrs Hicken,
sacrafice Mr Dicken,
run away from the chickens,
jump away from the zickens.
When the chickens jump up and down,
do not abreviate,
do not noun.
sacrafice Mrs Houn,
sacrafice Mr Boun,
run away from the ground,
try to not, make a sound.
When the chickens fall from the sky,
do not winge,
do not cry,
sacrafice Mrs Dye,
sacrafice Mr McKye,
duck away from the sky,
no billy, you can not fly.
When the sky, starts to fall out chickens,
not do slow,
not do quicken,
Mrs Sacrafice you will dicken,
Mr Sacrafice you will sicken,
sky away, from the stabbin'
die away, from the kebabin'.