As we lay in bed, Afternoon creeping in on us, You said eight words that Hold you in my head forever.
“I really wish it was raining right now.”
And how I wished it was too.
Not for the simple pleasure of The covers smuggling In our warmth and trapping us there, In as friendly a way as one can be trapped.
Not for the gentle transfer of raindrops from Windows to our ears.
Not for the plants, not for the trees, No drought on our minds But our own.
It was for the washing away of guilt - Just, sound reasoning to keep ourselves there. To lay Just a little longer, As if the outside world now held nothing for you, Nothing for me, and, in fact, Ceased to exist.
The sun broke through your curtain, Unfair and unforgiving for a November afternoon. And we lay there, Just a little longer, Until a bead of sweat Slipped down my spine.
“Maybe I should go,” I said, And you made no move To stop me.