**** you people and your 2D polo's please use me for to tape down cords and I will use you for credit.
credibility I had enough and I would never take a recommendation from a polo like you.
but was the credit really worth it or three? did I need this experience? knowing the world is gonna ******* is a no brainer but learning and not being paid is like an underdog smothered and stomped
you are an intern and you are unpaid for me...
You know how it feels but do you know how it starts those eyes and words.. slowly creep in or maybe the words don't even show worst of all those looks linger on after
do something great... __ do something wrong- ___fool don't you know what a bamba mamba is?
I thought I was here to figure out what a bamba mamba was?
Some people teach you and most people use you... that's what I have learned.