It begins the same way it ends. Fluorescent combinations of photonic crystals, Burning beneath my skin, into my gaping soul. These are my lights.
Gripping tightly to is base, holding it steady, Peer through its open lense. Record each and every moment. This is my camera, so let it commence.
Take 1. A mother wails as her baby rolls out. Physicians stagger in, along with nurses. NICU is now home to the baby girl who Came 2 months before she was due. 02/01/1995 - the unforgettable date that I changed my family’s lives.
Take 2. Fast forward to when everyone else’s Nightmare’s become my reality. The thoughts took over my anatomy, Constricting blood vessels in my brain And with every heartbeat those enlarged Vessels collided with my skull – throbbing. A rainbow of pasty pills dissolved on my tongue, Releasing their chemicals into my ocean-like blood stream.
Take 3. Every waking day had not only become a Physical struggle but in fact a psychological endeavor. The thoughts hindered my perception of reality, Just as cumulous clouds darken the suns light. Back seat riding with my negativity leading Me through a tunnel of self-destruction.
Take 4. Addicted. To the bottle, the drugs, and the razor blade. Addicted. The dullness of the liquor, The euphoric journey the drugs took me on and, The intoxicating aroma the blood gave off As it poured down my wrist Shaped my addictions to that of self-annihilation. Those were my Actions. It ends the same way it began. Fluorescent combinations of photonic crystals Burning beneath my skin, into my gaping soul. Now this is the end.
If my life was a Motion Picture; I would go back and film it again, But this time validating true happiness.