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Aug 2014
its been a year and
I still don't know w
hat to say when so
meone asks me abo
ut the scars. My fri
ends tell me I look t
he same as I did fiv
e years ago and I a
m relieved, nothing
has changed. She te
lls me she likes the
heart shape my face
akes but I feel a little
broken when I see na
rrow noses and almo
nd eyes. The song yo
u burned for me two
years ago still feels fa
miliar but our friends
hip feels like it's only
taking small baby st
eps forward and I a
m afraid we are too g
entle again, unsure. I
miss it, but I don't. I m
iss it. I don't I don't I
don't. Things are wobb
ly again. I'll be here.
Written by
olive  20/mtl
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