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Aug 2014
I love dancing with you
and watching l the guys stare….

Because I have exactly what they want.

I love you spinning me around because some guy came to close and I’m yours. 

Not for anyone else.

I love laying in bed:
Your face in my neck. 

Our legs tangled together. 

Running my fingers through your hair.

I love sitting next to you on the couch,
Not saying a word, just being together.

I love you brushing my hair for me,
Trailing kisses down my neck when you’re done.

I love the look in your eyes when you first wake up
and you’re not sure where you are…
And then you see my face and grin.

I love the way you breathe in your coffee more than you actually drink it.

And I love that this could go on for pages and pages before I run out of reasons why I love you.
Tay Nicole
Written by
Tay Nicole  Louisiana
     Lior Gavra and SPT
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