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Aug 2014
Parched Earth, dry;
******* the very moisture from the air
Cactus wither, their prickly screams
Silent as a night without even the stars
Above, no longer hanging; fallen
Angels have turned their eyes
Downcast, thirsty

Not a grain of sand moves
There might have been a sign
But that would have shown
Life at one time
Or another

This is a land that is without
No footprints mar the beauty
The little mouse is far
No desert fox to fight
A winning or losing battle here
No presence of either life or death
Even a trace

Life here has made no hold
Never breeched this abyss
Never crept in either by
Evolution or design
Here there is no god

Don't share a wasted tear
I've told you before
Even the thought
Of water here is
****** away

On the gentle not-quite-wind
You can hear, softly
What might be a violin
Off tune; Or maybe it's the sands
Cursing; Settling in for another
Millennium, getting comfortable
Or piano, it doesn't matter

A desert's song, like that of the moon
When night falls, stealing even
Tans, browns, no greens or color
My life has been shown grey
Then black with even subtle
Shades of white blanched
Even from the grey of the moon

This is the liberal world
All hard work, given a way
Others will provide
All my work wasted
Broken down and taxed too far

My children have starved
To feed those less deserving
Because the rich have left
Run away, another planet
Another star, left only the poor
So now there are the entitled
Left to deal with us wolves
Acid Loves Mercury
Written by
Acid Loves Mercury  I live when, not where
(I live when, not where)   
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