Two love sick birds high above unconscious of the cold, male cooing his words of love female like a marigold.
Perched on a branch which overhung the stillness of a river, they played for me a sad song which brought to mind a lover.
They nestled there, side by side as loving birds are peaceful. I watched with awesome pride those birds with love so full.
Then startled by a noise they rose and flew off through the forest. I sit here now and just suppose that they, like all the rest, find something to protest.
This peace which was injected through my troubled heart today, rested in its fervent bed while waiting for a display.
Our leaders though so unkind, usher in twelve months of hate. And ev-er-y-one seems so purblind except that male and his mate.
Now the silence of their absence and love lessons we can learn, unaware of our own presence, and lust desires which we yearn.
Those two white birds were so alone in their union and their bond, they wanted people all to see the rising of the sun, the coming of the dawn...