When you discover the world around you You also discover all within it
Selfishness, Greed, Hatred, Infidelity, Abuse, Sickness, Waste, Homelessness, and War
We bare witness to all these things But selfishly ignore them, In route to prospect of all these evil forces that misguides us
For better or worse It scopes our daily lives with inconvient truth's The mental or physical rightousness That lies in the truth of disparage History of our actions will go noted In the days and years that come about as such
You can not tell life what to do You must surrender it all into the hands of God That he protects you from the shame, one must feel deep inside Waivers us from all our faults and sin alike
Trust in the inner voice that speaks to you and believe For God's truth is yours if you want it Set your intentions to heal thyself and other's Peace be still in you, with love for your sister and your brother
Or let your misguided judgement, and false preservations follow you into your own judgement to...Hell!