Three days until I leave home for Lycoming. Three years until I leave Lycoming forever, but it will never leave me.
I've packed away clothes, textbooks, my laptop, chargers, and two skateboard decks. But I still can't find my television cable.
Microwave, ballpoint pens, notebooks, soap, shampoo, posters, contacts, a rug, and a love seat for two or three.
Everything I need is clustered in the corner of the living room, weighing on the 20th century hardwood floorboards.
I only left my journal out. I still have a few things to remember before all the evergreens turn to brick buildings.
I'll be a sophomore at Lycoming College, nestled in the heart of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. I only hope that between coursework, work, and other stuff, I'll find time to write it all down.