In description and depiction Your face has escaped my words You defy my understanding when I thought myself well-learned Like the meaning of life, or death in turn You are the sensation when I step through specter of top stair Simultaneously taking my breath away While reminding me of the earth under my feet For which I am grateful You are the rainbow teasing me from the oil spill Coagulating in the concrete streets You came about by chance Filled my mundane life with beauty You are the simplest of science experiments Famously reliable Tested and proven so many times through the years That I have come to accept you as fact You are the trust between a mother and infant child Love growing with each day and smile A symbiotic synchronized rhythm So strong that it is natural You ask me sometimes if your lack of presence in poetry Equates to a lack of presence in my thoughts and feelings Quite the opposite; you come to me in my everyday life Darling I let the beautiful speak for itself