Born between a Womans legs--its always been that way, never has been any different nor will it be any different. Wrenched from sublime existence in the womb into a world only guessed at through womb walls of flesh and muscle. Sounds only vaguely felt rather than heard, now rudely,crudely,loudly heard through ears newly awakened into facility. Eyes opened to see these big things occupying space all around. Things that look like a distorted baby. Youll learn later that it is age and food and experience that distorts the babies body up to and beyond adulthood. But now your nakedness feels air all over your wet skin. Fingers,hands holding touching-- moving you this way and that way, but no words in your head to describe it all. Only seeing smelling feeling and touching with new fingers and senses, fists closed at first--senses dormant at first. Then a voice(for that's what it is)says sounds and words (for that's what they are). And other voices talk and laugh and cry (for that's what they do). Sounds in your ears. Sights in your eyes. Touch on your skin. Smells in your nose. All these registering in your brain. FEELING FEELING. Lifetime has started in a different way to Wombtime. The clock of your life has begun its ticking. Your existence is being measured. Until one day you look into a mirror and see the Man or Woman you've become. Known as so and so. Believing in such and such. Knowing this and that. And all that time and space in between birth and the nowness....... You smile at your reflection, note the wrinkles, the suntan, and you wonder where it all went to?. More importantly you wonder where is it all going to?.